The following stories were published today: Wildcat strikes break out at Canadian airports AFP: Portugal Hit by General Strike against Austerity This post is a little dated, so read some of the comments: Spain: The CNT calls for a nationwide general strike on March 29
On May 1 this year millions of people all over the world who work for a living will show that we have . . . had enough! We’ve had enough of manipulated markets, phony inflated prices, lost savings, stolen pensions, and worthless or foreclosed homes. We’ve had enough of healthcare we can’t afford, of being […]
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
On Leap Day, Natasha Lennard, who covers the Occupy movement for, looked at some of the challenges facing calls for a nationwide general strike on May 1. In the course of this brief glance she raises a provocative question or two: How does a service-based workforce compare with an industrial workforce vis-à-vis the general […]
After this week’s Coordinating Committee meeting, Lowell showed us a pamphlet that was published by the Sojourner Truth Organization a year after the general strike in France in the spring of 1968. See “General Strike France 1968: A factory-by-factory account,” by Andrée Hoyles. The Introduction by Sojourner Truth Organization: In May of 1968, France was […]
The worker occupation of Serious Energy on 2/23 led to an agreement with corporate bosses to postpone closing the Chicago plant for 90 days while the union, UE, considers buying the plant. The plant—formerly Republic Windows and Doors, which was occupied in 2008—was to shut down and “consolidate manufacturing” in Boulder, Colorado (see map here) […]
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
From Slingshot!Issue #109 By Jesse D. Palmer The call for a global general strike beginning on May 1 is exciting and with luck, millions of people will rise up and shut down the economy — but we need to make sure any general strike has a strong foundation, moves our struggle in a positive direction […]
Monday, February 27, 2012
See a PDF of this in English here. A Spanish translation is below. May 1, International Workers’ Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country, except the United States and Canada. This is despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the United […]
Monday, February 27, 2012
See a PDF of this in English and Spanish here. Health workers in Kilkis, Greece, have occupied their local hospital and have issued a statement saying it is now fully under workers control. The general hospital of Kilkis in Greece is now under workers control. The workers at the hospital have declared that the long-lasting […]
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
This is our initial call-out; Spanish translation here. Call-out PDF here. See this page for info on our weekly meetings. As the recession has deepened, wealth and power have been funneled into the hands of the few. We can no longer afford the rich and powerful or tolerate this system that creates them at our […]
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
From Occupy Denver: Saturday Feb 25 5:00pm IWW General Strike Coordinating Committee Consulta: Occupy Denver will join in solidarity with many groups locally and nationwide to call for a general strike on May 1, 2012. Please come join Occupy Denver, IWW and other local organizations to start the planning for these actions. The meeting is […]